How Big do Musk Turtles Get?

by | Jul 31, 2022

How Big do Musk Turtles Get

So you are wondering how big Musk turtles can get? This blog post will discuss their size, how big they can get, and how to make sure your musk turtle thrives. 

Musk turtles are famous for their small and cute appearance. Besides being easy to care for and docile, their appearance is one of the main reasons for the high demand for musk turtles. 

So how big do razorback musk turtles get?

A Razorback Musk Turtle can grow up to 5-6 inches. A newly born Razorback Musk Turtle is 0.9-1.1 inches and can grow up to 5-6 inches as an adult. With great care, they can even grow up to 7-inches. 

Factors affecting How Big Razorback Musk Turtles Get

If you’ve seen a lot of Razorback Musk Turtle, you will notice they all don’t have the same size. 

That is due to different factors that affect the development and Razorback Musk Turtle size. 

Here, I will discuss the factors that can affect how big razorback musk turtles get.


Male and female Razorback Musk Turtles are different in size and body structure. 

Females tend to be bigger, usually by at least 1 inch in most cases. 

This slight size variation may look insignificant to the naked eye, but it is very telling for a species that grows up to just 5-6 inches. 

Females need bigger bodies to store eggs during pregnancies. 

Wild or Pet

Generally, Razorback Musk Turtles in captivity are more prominent than wild ones. 

This size difference is because pet Razorback Musk Turtle gets better care than those in the wild and doesn’t have to worry about how to get food or prey. 

Diets that increase Musk Turtles size

What you feed your Musk Turtle is the most crucial factor in how big Musk Turtles get. 

If you don’t feed your Musk Turtle the proper diet, it can hamper its development or even lead to illness. 

Without a balanced diet, the Musk Turtle will not grow to the normal range it should. 

At the same time, you should be wary of over-feeding, no matter how balanced or nutritious the diet is. 

Overfeeding can lead to severe illnesses, like liver failure or kidney stones. 

An ideal meal should not be more than the size of the head 

Feeding: Musk Turtles Diet

Another factor that determines your musk turtle size is the diet your turtle gets from time to time.

While they feed on amphibians, slow-moving fishes, and other aquatic insects in the wild, their diet in captivity should vary slightly. 

You can give them fresh foods like fish (salmon and trout). 

Avoid herring, redfish, and sardines. These fishes contain elements that are bad for the health of the turtle.

Other foods you can give them are vase worms, fresh shrimp, alfalfa, earthworms, chicken or beef liver, salad, and dandelion. 

You can also add specialized or commercial turtle foods to the diet,

I recommend cuttlefish bone to give your Razorback Turtle the required nutrients it needs. 

It is very rich in calcium, which is necessary for the growth and health of your turtle. 

It would be best if you fed a young turtle every day, but an adult one should fast once a week. 

Housing: Razorback Musk Turtle Tank size & Design

Living conditions are an essential factor in how big Razorback Musk Turtles get.

Your Musk Turtle Tank size and design affect the razorback musk turtle full size. 

Poor living conditions can stress the turtle and stop it from growing adequately. 

You need to ensure the habitat or paludarium of the Razorback Musk Turtle is adequate.

Set the water temperature at around 24-25°C / 75-77°F. 

The volume should be approximately 20-30 gallons. 

You must increase this if you are housing multiple razorback musk turtles, so the turtle can breathe while standing. 

Razorback Musk Turtles are not great swimmers, so they don’t breathe well underwater. If your turtle is small, reduce the water to accommodate that.

Your Razorback Turtle will also need to occasionally get out of the water to rest and dry up. 

Provide a platform made from branches where it can easily stay outside the water. The dry platform may be up to 25% of the surface. 

You should also install a heat lamp above the platform. The heat lamp should produce enough heat to warm the turtle and maintain a temperature between 28 and 30 °C.

Another essential is a UVB lamp, which helps produce vitamin D3 and calcium, which is crucial for your turtle. 

It will help if you put this UVB lamp around the basking area to replicate the sun ray. 

A Razorback musk turtle in captivity that doesn’t have access to either the sun ray or a UVB light will have slower growth or not grow up to the expected size. 

You should change this twice a year, even if it looks fine. You can even connect it to a timer to produce 11 hours of light daily.


Like most animals, genetics plays a vital role in the size and growth of the Razorback Musk Turtle. Because of heredity, a razorback musk turtle may not reach its average length or height. 


Like most aquatic animals, the Razorback Musk Turtle is prone to bacterial infections, vitamin deficiency, respiratory illnesses, etc. 

These illnesses can hamper the turtle’s growth or even shorten its life. If you don’t care for its health, your Razorback Musk Turtle will not reach its ideal growth. 

You should always take care of the turtle and check for any illness. If you find any, immediately take your turtle to the vet. 

How to make your Razorback Musk Turtle grow faster

The best way to make your Razorneck Musk Turtle grow faster is to ensure it has everything it needs to live healthily. 

These include providing the right tank, diet, and basking area. 

If you provide everything I suggested, your Razorback Musk Turtle will grow faster and to its required length. 


Your Musk Turtle can grow up to 5-6 inches. 

But for your Musk Turtle to grow up to that, you must provide the right environment and feed it adequately. 

While factors beyond your control, like gender and heredity, determine how big your Musk Turtle gets, you can do your part to ensure your Musk Turtle grows. 

About Me

Hi, I am Sarah! At Amado Pets we are passionate about pets and love sharing our knowledge and research with you. We strive to be the ultimate resource for you to learn all that you can about caring for your pet!