How to Gain a Conure Trust (6 Easy Steps)

by | Jul 19, 2022

gaining conure trust

A Conure can make an enthusiastic and exciting company, but it may not be much fun if your Conure doesn’t trust you. 

You will need to be in a relationship first to get that trust. This blog post will guide you to get your Conure’s confidence. 

You will also understand how to read their body language and what to do in certain moments.

But first, let’s dive into how to gain your Conure’s trust. 

Steps to gaining a Conure’s trust

1. Spend time around your bird: 

For your Conures to trust you, it will need time to get used to you first. Spending time with your Conures will make it feel relaxed, after which it can begin to trust you.

Ways to spend time with your Conure

  • Read a book near your bird’s cage where it can see you
  • Quietly speak to your bird, so it can get used to the tone of your voice. 
  • Interact with your Conure as much as you can. 

2. Give your Conures treats

Like most animals, rewarding your conures for good behavior can create a lasting bond between you and the conures. 

You can occasionally give treats to make it comfortable around you and trust you. 

I advise you first to find out the kind of fruits your bird loves to eat, then give it to it. 

Your conures may not be amused if you keep giving it what it does not like. 

3. Let your Conures free from the cage.

Letting your Conures out from the cage will allow them to feel comfortable in your presence and the house. 

Being free to roam about the house will make your Conures have more trust in you. 

How to get the Conures to leave the cage

  • Open the cage door and hold some food in your palms near the door.
  • Wait and let the Conures come out towards you by itself. Please do not force it out of the cage.
  • As this is going on, avoid eye contact with the Conures. 

4. Learn your Conures body language

Birds will communicate with body language first before mimicking your speech. They will do this through their movements. 

You will understand your Conure better if you thoroughly know its body movements and meaning.

Conure body language and what they mean:

  • When your Conure is annoyed, it will hiss a lot or spread its feathers. It can also screech a lot 
  • If they are comfortable, they will tuck in their head 
  • If it backs into a corner and puffs out its feather, it means it is uncomfortable
  • When it nods its head and moves its feet, it likes the music you are playing

5. Through the step-up challenge

One of the most fun and entertaining ways to gain your bird’s trust is through the step-up challenge

This challenge is when your bird steps up from one of your hands to the other. 

How to do the step-up challenge

  • After your Conure steps out of the cage, offer it one of your hands, and allow you to sit on it. 
  • Slowly move until you are sure the Conure is now comfortable
  • Slowly bring your other hand close to the Conures. You should bring the handle up to the level where the Conure’s leg meets the body. Your Conures should step up onto the other hand now. 
  • Reward your Conures with a treat for stepping up. Once your Conure accomplishes this task, reward it with a treat. Rewarding your Conure with goodies will make your Conure understand that stepping up will lead to treats. Find the treats your bird likes the most, and give them to it as a reward.
  • Be consistent: If you are not consistent in practicing your step-up challenge, your Conures may forget totally. 

You don’t have to practice it whenever you feel like doing so. Only practice when you think your Conure is comfortable. 

Consistently doing this challenge will help you and your Conure grow a lasting bond and trust. 

6. Don’t force your Conure to do Anything

Birds can be willful and independent. So, forcing them to do anything can be counterproductive. 

It would help if you had the patience to deal with your Conure. If you force it to do anything, it may start mistrusting you. 

Below are some of the things you need to avoid if you want to gain the trust of your Conure:

  • Avoid shouting at your Conure.
  • Don’t hit your Conure. No matter how bad your day is, it would help if you never took it out on your Conure. If you hit your Conure, it probably won’t react, but it will trust you less. Always remember to be gentle and kind to your Conure. 
  • Leave your Conure alone if it is upset.
  • While you may like being with your Conure a lot, you should also learn to leave it alone when it is uncomfortable or irritable. 


It can be fun when your Conure likes you and feels very comfortable around you, but you first need to earn that trust. 

And you can only build that through patience. 

Do not force the trust or be irritable at your bird when things are not going your way or according to plan. 

Instead, learn to be gentle and reward them for doing the right things. 

Moreover, if you spend enough time with your Conure and interact with it, it will eventually trust you. 

About Me

Hi, I am Sarah! At Amado Pets we are passionate about pets and love sharing our knowledge and research with you. We strive to be the ultimate resource for you to learn all that you can about caring for your pet!