Kuhli Loaches Swimming in Circles [What to Do]

by | Jun 12, 2022

Kuhli Loaches Swimming in Circles

Are your Kuhli Loaches swimming in circles, and you’re worried something may be wrong with them? 

I know it’s weird seeing your Kuhli Loaches swim erratically or in circles. I am writing this blog post to provide some answers.  

Here you will learn what to do if you find your Kuhli Loaches swimming frantically.

Why do Kuhli Loaches Swim in Circles?

If your Kuhli Loaches are swimming in circles, the first thing you should check is the fish’s habitat and environment. 

While many believe it is perfectly normal for Kuhli Loaches to swim in circles, others believe Kuhli Loaches swim in circles due to stress and anxiety. 

A drastic change in their environment or eating habits can make them swim in circles. 

There are various reasons why your Kuhli Loaches are swimming in circles. 

Poor water quality

Loaches can start behaving erratically, like swimming in circles, when the water quality is poor. 

Poor water quality stresses the Loach and can cause them to start swimming around in circles as a response or means of coping. 

If you find your Kuhli Loaches swimming around in circles, you should check the water conditions and parameters to ensure they are the right conditions for your fish. 

Poor water conditions can lead to an increase in ammonia levels, which will stress the Kuhli Loach.

Ideal Water Condition for Kuhli Loaches

Kuhli Loaches

The ideal water conditions for a Loach are: pH balance between 5.5 and 6.5, hardness of no more than 5.0 dGH, and temperatures between 73 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. 

You should also note that the minimum size for a Kuhli Loach is 15-gallons.

You must add 3-5 gallons of water for every Loach you add to the tank. 

Get a 30-gallons tank to be on the safe side should you decide to add more fish to the tank. 

Lack of food.

Another reason your Kuhli Loach is swimming around in circles may be a lack of food. 

Hunger can make them erratic and stressed.

Kuhli Loaches may be great at scavenging leftover crumbs at the bottom of the tank, but you still need to feed them to ensure they don’t go hungry. 

You must ensure the food gets to the bottom of the tank, not forgetting that Kuhli Loaches are bottom dweller that only feeds on sinking food. 

Therefore, only give them foods that can sink to the bottom of the tank or feed them at night when other fishes are asleep.

Food to Feed Kuhli Loaches

There are various foods you can feed your Loach.

They love live prey, such as micro Bloodworms, larval brine shrimp, and water fleas. 

You can also give them cooked vegetables, like spinach and lettuce. However, you have to crush the vegetables to ensure they can fit into the small mouths of the Loaches.

Kuhli Loach will also eat cucumbers, Algae, Pellet foods, Carrion, and Zucchini. 

Kuhli Loaches Swimming in Circles to Conserve Energy

Your Kuhli Loaches may also be swimming around in circles to conserve energy. 

Kuhli Loaches swim around in circles when the water temperature drops below 75⁰F.

They do this to increase their body temperature and keep warm. 

Mood Behavior

The above is only part of the reasons your Kuhli Loach swims in circles and is in no way exhaustive. 

Sometimes, you may put all these in place (feed them well and make the water conditions are right) and still find your Kuhli Loach swimming in circles. 

There are other reasons they swim in circles.

Some experts believe Kuhli Loaches swim in circles when they are happy or in the mood to swim in circles. 

But if they keep swimming in circles for a long time, check to see if everything is alright. 

And if you still can’t find anything wrong, you should visit your vet or seek outside advice. 

Other Unusual Swimming Behaviors in Kuhli Loaches

kuhli loaches swimming

Please look out for other swimming behaviors.

These behaviors can also indicate a level of stress or other issues in your Kuhli Loaches.

Side Swimming

Improper or side swimming is indicative of a problem with your Kuhli Loach. It may even mean the fish is asking for help. 

Here are reasons why your Kuhli Loach may be swimming sideways.

1. It means they are either sick or injured. If you notice this, you should remove the affected Loach and keep it in another tank as soon as possible.

2. It is a sign your Kuhli Loach is cooling down. 

Your Kuhli Loach may be uncomfortable or stressed. When you notice this, take the Loach to the vet. 

Ensure they are not cooling down too long to prevent other fishes from attacking them.

Swimming up and down

If the Kuhli Loach is swimming up and down the tank, it can mean two things: 

They are either stressed or anxious. It can also portray excitement. 

You have to make sure they are excited and not stressed. 

Moreover, you have to take action if they are stressed. 


There are things you should check when you notice your Kuhli Loach swimming in circles. 

Check the water conditions, and ensure they are feeding well. 

Pay attention to their behaviors to see if they exhibit an unusual swimming pattern. 

And if your Kuhli Loaches are still swimming in circles even after you have done all you can, then I advise you to visit your vet. 

I hope this blog post answered your question of “why do Kuhli Loaches swim in circles?”.

About Me

Hi, I am Sarah! At Amado Pets we are passionate about pets and love sharing our knowledge and research with you. We strive to be the ultimate resource for you to learn all that you can about caring for your pet!